Birefringence measurement (Sénarmont method)

The overall orientation in polymers  can be quantified by measuring the birefringence (Dn). For the determination of the birefringence, specimens are prepared in such a way that the cross-sections are cut under an angle of approximately 45°.

A light microscope (Jenapol) equipped with a halogen light source, monochromator (l = 558.5nm), polarizer and a rotating graduated analyzer (Sénarmont compensator) is used to measure the phase difference of the incident monochromatic polarized light beam. This is visually expressed as an certain amount of black lines/bands on the sample (M) caused by speed differences of the propagating light in the anisotropic sample. The phase difference can be read out by using a compensator which is in our case a rotating graduated analyzer (Q).


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7821 AT Emmen
The Netherlands

+31 591 30 8100